Why you need a technology lifecycle management plan

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Aug 29, 2024, 1:00 PM

In today’s digital-driven healthcare, businesses rely on a growing number of software applications to manage operations, connect with customers, and deliver products and services. The shift towards consumption-based models like “as-a-service” (aaS) has brought cost benefits but also introduced new challenges in managing technology vendor contracts and ensuring IT systems remain secure and up to date. The rise of hybrid and remote work further complicates IT asset management and security.

Could a Technology Lifecycle Management (TLM) plan be the key to navigating these complexities?

This executive brief from Profit Advisory Group explores:

  • The risks of not having a TLM plan, including overspending, security breaches, and missed opportunities for innovation.
  • The steps involved in creating and implementing an effective TLM plan, from assessing your current IT environment to procuring, implementing, and optimizing new technologies.
  • How a TLM plan can help you proactively manage your technology investments, reduce costs, improve security, and enable your business to adapt to change.

Download the brief today to discover how a well-structured technology lifecycle management plan can empower your organization to make informed technology decisions, streamline operations, and achieve long-term success in an ever-evolving digital world.


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